From Dig to Digital Dinosaurs

Join, Dr Scott Hocknull, the Geoscience Senior Curator from the Queensland Museum as he takes us on the journey of transforming their field sites, fossils and Dinosaurs into 3-D visualizations and interactions for the greater masses.

Scott is a vertebrate palaeoecologist and a passionate science communicator. He will discuss his 25-year journey, from his first experiences in 3-D technology to that of today, where 3-D technology plays a major part in how museums must communicate and disseminate their priceless collections and stories.

Learn more about Scott Hocknull


From Dig to Digital

Join, Dr Scott Hocknull, the Geoscience Senior Curator from the University of Queensland as he takes us on the journey of transforming their field sites, fossils and Dinosaurs into 3-D visualizations and interactions for the greater masses.

Scott is a vertebrate palaeoecologist, passionate science communicator and 3-D digitization and virtual technology advocate and practitioner in the museum community.