New partnership with Universeum, the Nordic region’s most visited science center
Interspectral just entered a partnership with Universeum in Gothenburg, the Nordic region’s most visited science center. Universeum will during spring 2019 deploy Inside Explorer as a part of the permanent exhibition. The exhibit will be dynamic and will feature content ranging from human anatomy to animals.

“Inside Explorer is a great tool for understanding and learning for our guests, in an entertaining way, with scientific visualization. The concept itself is so educational and intuitive that you are tempted to explore it on your own. At Universeum, our guests will be able to explore both animals and humans and we hope that together Interspectral will be able to develop more fun and interesting concepts for Inside Explorer.”
Håkan Sigurdsson, Scientific Leader, Universeum
Bridging the gap between science and outreach
Inside Explorer is used worldwide by museums, science & technology centers, animal and wildlife parks and aquariums to create interactive learning experiences based on scientific data. Reach out to us and learn what we can offer you.
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