Interspectral turned their Corona crisis into business opportunity

When the Corona virus hit the world in spring 2020, many companies were affected and forced to transition both their business model and product development. Interspectral was no exception. As country after country descended into lockdown and restrictions on crowds became a reality, the company’s main market, science communication, was hit hard as museums and science centers found themselves in a whole new everyday life. 

But never before has a topic been as relevant and timely to the whole world as Corona. Interspectral’s activities are based on the production of science communicative material adapted for public education, exhibitions and environments where exploration and learning are combined with facts and results from research. 

Interactive CT Scans of COVID-19 infected lungs from The Corona Exhibition in Inside

“We wanted to produce an informative material that in addition to interactivity also is based on current facts and information. We have succeed in producing a sophisticated exhibit where the user can examine both the viral particle itself, as well as the effects the virus has in an infected patient in several stages. On top of this, the user can follow the spread of infection around the world for six months, which has proven to be the right thought,” says Louise Lennersten CEO of Interspectral. 

The Corona exhibition has been developed in collaboration with several partners;

  • SciLife Lab at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
  • Visualization Center and Linköping University, Sweden
  • Nanographics, Vienna, Austria
  • Dr. Lars Edling, Infectious Disease Specialist, Örebro University Hospital, Örebro, Sweden
  • Norman Gellada, Imaging specialist, 3D and advanced visualization at Cedars-Sinai hospital i Los Angeles
  • Dr. Altair Costa, Thoracic surgeon at The Federal University Hospital in Sâo Paolo, Brasilien
  • Marie Larsson, PhD, Professor, Molecular Medicine and Virology, BKV, Linköping University, Sweden

 The exhibition is based on 3D data from different sources and all information is reviewed by specialists in each field. 

“It was extremely important that the material was well anchored in science and research so that the information we share is both true and relevant,” Louise continues. “The emphasis must be on what we know, not what we believe.” 

The Corona exhibition was a pivotal product for Interspectral after a difficult spring. The previous customer base of about 100 customers has been further expanded and today Interspectral’s Corona exhibition is on display in Canada, Denmark Singapore, Norway and at, for example, Universeum and Tekniska Museet in Sweden. 

Experimentarium in Denmark, new customer of Interspectral

“The interest has been huge, and we see the potential to deliver widely throughout the world for both school and public environments where deeper knowledge or understanding is sought for,” says Louise. 

The Corona exhibition is delivered on Inside Explorer, Interspectral’s software and is suitable for interactive exhibition environments as well as on laptops or equivalent to produce, for example, online materials. The exhibition is available in several languages. 

Interspectral was founded in 2015 and has since grown steadily with its flagship visualization software, Inside Explorer. Interspectral has a global reach with about 100 customers in nearly 40 countries in both the private sector and public sector, with a concentration on the education industry. In 2018, a successful test project with Siemens resulted in Interspectral developing a new software, AM Explorer, that provided visualization support for additive manufacturing (3D manufacturing), which in itself led to increased opportunities also within this market area.

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