
Unlock the secrets hidden within your collection with our 3d visualization services


Unlock the secrets hidden within your collection with our 3d visualization services

Would you consider yourself to be a 3D scanning ninja? Or is this new territory for you?

We offer custom 3D visualization services for museums of all sizes to digitize artefacts and objects to showcase their research and collections in public exhibitions. In combination with our software Inside Explorer, museum visitors can by themselves explore the artefacts, adding a new dimension to the museum experience.

We work with the combination of surface scan data and volumetric data (e.g. CT or microCT scans), which makes it possible to capture not only the exterior but the complete interior of objects and create a photo-realistic digital twin. Our talented production team has more than 10 years of experience working with 3D visualisation of natural history collections and developing software to exhibit digital twins in a public setting.

Tell the untold stories of your objects while honoring and preserving the collection for future generations

Neswaiu mummy, Mediterranean Museum


Six steps to bridge the gap between scientific discovery and public engagement

field mummy bundles

Identify interesting objects

A mummy is scanned in order to be turned into 3D visualisations so people can see what's inside through Inside Explorer.

Digitize objects

Man in lab coat showing two other people CT scans of a mummy

Evaluate data

visualizing CT scan data of a mummy in the Inside Explorer Pro software

Produce 3D Visualization

MHM neswaui mummy story telling

Create a story

Three kids using a large touch table to look at a 3D scan of a sarcophagus

Exhibit final 3D Visualization


Six steps to bridge the gap between scientific discovery and public engagement

field mummy bundles

Identify object

A mummy is scanned in order to be turned into 3D visualisations so people can see what's inside through Inside Explorer.


Man in lab coat showing two other people CT scans of a mummy

Evaluate data

visualizing CT scan data of a mummy in the Inside Explorer Pro software


MHM neswaui mummy story telling

Create a story

Three kids using a large touch table to look at a 3D scan of a sarcophagus

Exhibit final copy

Boonshoft Museum of Discovery

"Insterspectral’s work aligns perfectly with the mission of the DSNH to create and provide meaningful and entertaining learning experiences for curious minds to engage with natural history, science, and nature while honoring and preserving collections for future generations.”

Jill E. Krieg-Accrocco, Curator of Anthropology & Exhibitions, Boonshoft Museum of Discovery, United States

Rijksmuseum Van Oudheden

“We did not expect new finds in this project because the mummies had been scanned before. The bigger was our surprise that the new interactive visualization technology provided by Interspectral made many new details visible.”

Dr. Lara Weiss and Prof. dr. Maarten Raven, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden, The Netherlands

The Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities

“The technology will enable our visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the once living man behind the linen bandages. Layer by layer, the visitor can unwrap the mummy and gain knowledge of the individual’s sex, age, living conditions and beliefs. With help from the technology, the mummies become so much stronger mediators of knowledge of our past.”

Elna Nord, Exhibition Producer, The Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm

British Museum

“This technology allow us to learn more about life and death in ancient Egypt, but most importantly our visitors can take part in that exploration and discovery process.”

Neal Spencer, Keeper of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, British Museum, London

Museum customer Logo
museum customer logos web small units

How to digitally exhibit your artifacts

Inside Explorer is developed to last while being used by millions. It is essential that the hardware that displays Inside Explorer in museums, is developed for the same purpose. Therefore, Interspectral works closely with its customers to ensure the right hardware is installed to meet the demands of your venue.

Why work with us?

We have over 10 years experience of working with museum projects and collaborations and understand the importance of honoring cultural heritage. Our passion lies in telling stories, preserving memories and creating 3D visualizations that interpret your collection at the highest level and make your research accessible to your visitors.

When visitors can touch and explore a digital copy or re-creation onsite it has shown that they will spend 3x more time exploring the physical artifact.

This is how other museums have used Inside Explorer

Blonde woman wearing a blue top and black blazer smiling and looking into the camera

Get in touch with us!

Feel free to reach out to us via the contact form or email. Let us know if you're interested in a demonstration of our products or services and we will contact you as soon as possible.